Planning for your Event

Whether you’re hosting or attending an event, it’s always important to be prepared – yes, that age-old Boy Scout motto.

The first thing you should do is consider the location and weather – if you don’t do this, you’re liable to come dressed “correctly” for the occasion, but be uncomfortable the whole time. Not as extreme as wearing a parka in Arizona, but you get the idea.

Then, you’ll want to consider what is most appropriate for this type of event. Remember, the invitation is likely to contain some recommendations, but if it doesn’t, you’ll want to consider who is hosting and what type of event it is – those should provide you enough clues to get a general idea of what’s going to be appropriate, because remember, even a wedding might end up being far less formal than you’d expect, depending on who is hosting it.

Finally, consider style – what fits your personal style and meshes well with the event? For example, think about what color the wedding party will be in, or what accent colors are seasonable (bright or pastels for spring and summer, warm for fall, cool for winter… or turn that all on its head if you know what you’re doing).

Oh and also, don’t forget to have fun!